Little big adventure 2 ending
Little big adventure 2 ending

After going home to check on Zoe he finds out that Baldino has left him a protopack (Prototype Jetpack it can hover, not fly) in the warehouse, he retrieves it and sets out to find his friend. He eventually crashes in the mountains of Citadel Island, where he is attacked by an Esmerian soldier, after defeating him and making his way into the city he finds out that the Esmers have taken over the planet and have imposed martial law. After tricking one of the guards with the help of another prisoner, Twinsen manages to escape imprisonment and escapes the planet in one of the ships. Once Twinsen lands in Zeelich (the Esmers' two-layered, Jupiter-like gas home planet), the invitation proves to be a trap and he is arrested on the landing port. After graduating as a Wizard, Twinsen is informed by his master of the possible plot of the Esmers and is sent to investigate their planet by accepting their invitation to all Wizards. The Esmers use their army to secretly capture Twinsun's Children and openly invite the Wizards to their planet(which is revealed later to be a trap to capture them). After the storm, alien creatures, who call themselves Esmers, land on the planet, under a false diplomatic guise and Twinsen begins training under the Wizard's School after hearing of missing children on the planet. He aids Bersimon, the island's weather wizard, resulting in the clouds disappearing. Twinsen seeks help from Ker'aooc, a healing wizard, who lives on Desert Island.

little big adventure 2 ending

The Dino-Fly, a creature encountered in LBA 1 is struck by lightning and crashes in Twinsen and Zoe's garden. After Twinsen defeated FunFrock at the end of Little Big Adventure, Twinsun was peaceful, until a sudden storm covered Citadel Island.

Little big adventure 2 ending